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About African Elephant-pictures.net

elephant-pictures.net The African elephant pictures web site - is a growing portfolio of pictures taken by the game rangers, wildlife photographers, biologists and park visitors who love and interact with them.
You are invited to enjoy our African elephant pictures, download our elephant screensavers, and pass on the news about our site to fellow elephant and animal lovers. To tell others about this web site please click here

We are keen to involve as many professional and amateur photographers as possible. If you have taken a great African elephant phtograph, or know somewbody who has, please get in contact with us.
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African elephant-pictures.net is sponsored by the
Tembe National Elephant Park in South Africa

The Tembe National Elephant Park sponsors this site in the interests of the conservation of of the elephants of Africa and to encourage the people of the world to learn more about them and to visit and enjoy them in their natural environment.


© Elephant-Pictures.net 2002P.O. Box 438, Westville 3630, South AfricaTel: +27-31-267 0144 Fax: +27-31-266 8718
info: info@elephant-pictures.netwebmaster: elepics@web-site-design.co.zasite design by CyberFace Web Site Design.