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Tembe Elephant Park booking enquiry form

A visit to the Tembe Elephant Park is an awe-inspiring experience of a lifetime. The park offers the best of two worlds - the magnificence of african elephants in the wilds of Africa combined with the personal touch and top-class service of the private Tembe Safari Lodge.
The cost of staying at Tembe is under $ 100 per night.

The Tembe Elephant Park covers an area of 30 000 hectares (60 000 acres) and is the secong biggest game reserve in South Africa. It is located on the Elephant Coast in the north-eastern corner of South Africa, adjoining the Mozambique border. Its elephants are the biggest in the world.
The tembe Safari Lodge consists of only 12 luxury tented suites. Game drives are arranged to suit your needs.
Typically you would fly to Durban via Johannesburg and then drive to Tembe. The recommended length of stay is at least four days.
If you would like to stay at other places as well, Tembe are happy to make the arrangements for you. To explore such possibilities, go to www.elephantcoast.net.

First Name:
Postal Address:
*Arrival Date:
*Departure Date:
Number of Adults:
Number of Children:
*Number of rooms:
Any Special Requirements:

NB: Please ensure you fill in the fields marked by a " * " as these are required.
© Elephant-Pictures.net 2002P.O. Box 438, Westville 3630, South AfricaTel: +27-31-267 0144 Fax: +27-31-266 8718
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